CPA Services for Individuals

Sanchez & Santiago offers personal tax planning and preparation services that focus on the details to minimize your tax liabilities and maximize your income. The income tax laws are complex and confusing. Yes, some individuals can file their taxes on their cellular telephones, and we encourage that. However, each taxpayer is as different as a fingerprint. Feel free to contact us to see if it makes sense for you to hire a CPA.

Ask us, “If I don’t have a business, does it make sense for us to hire a CPA?” We have said “no” many times before and will give you an honest answer based on your situation. If you want to benefit from every applicable deduction and receive the largest possible refund, it’s time to hire a business that cares about their clients.

Our services for individuals include:

  • Planning / preparing taxes
  • Filing federal, state, local and sales tax
  • Filing in all 50 United States
  • Providing quarterly tax review and year-end tax planning
  • Preparing year-end annual taxes
  • IRS Audit Representation

Your personal financial situation is unique and we tailor our CPA services to your needs. When we work with you, we want you to call us throughout the year! We don’t want to hear from you only in December or February. We want to hear from you during the year when you are making the decisions that impact your tax situation on April 15. Let us help you make it a stress-free season by knowing how the story ends by December 31.

Contact us via email through the form below.